Commentary on life and all that it contains.

These are commentaries on life as I know it. It can be the quickened, pulsating breath you feel as the roller coaster inches its was over the ride's summit. It can be the calming breeze on the dusk of a warm day, sitting in isolation, reflecting on beauty or loves once had. It, life, can be everything that you will it to be.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Racism in Germany

Little by little the word “Neger” is being fazed out in Germany, but, many people still feel free to use it. Something tells me fewer people would be apt to use it if there were any black people living here, but anyway... “Neger” is a word that most Germans will tell you cannot be translated as “nigger” because it does not have the same cultural context as our word in English. Yet, they would never call a black man a “Neger" to his face, and still say the phrase “Hey, I am not your nigger.” when asked to do something as a favor.

Race and ideas of what racism here in Germany are understandably behind the times in that there have traditionally been no other large groups of races other than white. Ironically, the only other dominant culture here is that of the guest workers invited in the sixties would be more than willing to describe their German “hosts” as being prejudice against them.

Every culture has racism. The French hate the Moroccans. The Germans hate the Turkish. The Italians hate the Albanians. Everyone hates the minority. It’s just that way—especially if the minority does not adequately conform to the majority’s standard. One of the most backhanded compliments that a white man can give is to tell his black friend that he doesn’t really think of him as black because he speaks clearly, is well-educated, etc. Whereas the white saying such a thing finds it to be a compliment telling his black friend that he is so great, he’s practically white, the black man is insulted at not being seen as the individual that he is. In the end, it is just condescending.

Even more condescending, though, is to have to come to Europe and have Europeans say that there is no racism here, at least not like the racism apparent in America. Maybe it is true that a black man can find, traditionally, a more accepting home in France than Alabama. But to tell me, an American that has overcome many of his own racist impeti that a country that condescends so badly as to not even use the word “immigrant” but, rather, guest worker (implying that they are the hired help, but will some day be asked to go back from whence they came) when referring to people who have resettled here is unbelievable.


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