Part This

The guy was an extreme gun rights activist, a lifetime NRA member. He was the one that coined the phrase “from my cold, dead hands”, daring anyone to take his firearm away from him. Without getting into the debate for the 1000th time, I can tell you first hand that gun violence in Germany is a rare occurrence indeed, because guns are restricted and controlled by the government here. America will only be so lucky to someday be the same way.
I just can’t believe that people see this man as some kind of holy icon simply because he played Moses in a movie. The working word of that sentence is “played”. He was not Moses, people. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he was the scum of the Earth or anything, but the guy was a bit of a clod, and to see him revered by the public like this is a sad commentary.
Wow. I'm out of the loop. I knew he was dead, but heard nothing else.
And yeah, I didn't like him, either.
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