Commentary on life and all that it contains.

These are commentaries on life as I know it. It can be the quickened, pulsating breath you feel as the roller coaster inches its was over the ride's summit. It can be the calming breeze on the dusk of a warm day, sitting in isolation, reflecting on beauty or loves once had. It, life, can be everything that you will it to be.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cake Batter and the Ruination of All

The whole city smells like cake batter today. To what do I owe this? Yummy city. Where is there a giant cake baking? Give me directions to the yum and I’m there.

We’re going with some friends tonight to a restaurant here called “Little Texas”. It’s the only place around where you can actually get a rockin’ hamburger. I’m hungry!

Here is an outline for a story that I thought of today:

A young man, obsessed with interpretations of the Bible goes to university to study theology. He becomes convinced that the Bible remains timeless because of its use of parables. He, as many have before him, tries to assemble meaning of prophecies made long ago in the Bible, eventually becoming famous by publishing a book piecing together the rise and fall of every major empire known to man, claiming that they had been predicted from the beginning in the Bible. Using the same tools of analysis he used to decipher the stories in his first book, he makes a brave analysis of what may happen in the future, using the parables of the Book of David and Revelations.

As the research of the book goes forward, it becomes evident that the inevitable liberalization of modern spirituality has paved the way for the entrance of the literal Anti-Christ in present society. Most people, even those not in any way affiliated with any church, see themselves as 'spiritual', but turned off by organized religion. The next prophet for these people, predicts the young theologian, is the anti-christ himself and 'Armageddon' is simply a metaphor for the destruction of the known world through war, a war that devastates the Earth and sets back Man to a technological equivalent of the early Middle Ages. The most poignant metaphor, that Man's forefathers are able to rise from their graves at the second coming actually happens in the form of Christ’s own enlightened ideas being re-instituted again within the devastated society.

Ok, now that I read this, I am certain that it seems hokey at best. I am sure that it would seem interesting with a few Hollywood turns here and there. Ok, there really is no way to spruce it up. But, at least you know what came to mind when I saw that article in the Washington Post, saying that most Americans do not identify as 'Christian', but, rather, as 'spiritual'. Don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with this. But, it is ssomehow an interesting idea that the enlightenment of Man would somehow bring on its demise.

PS My new cat’s name is ‘Mia’.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. I'm not the only one reading this after all, then?

I'm thinking your title character would have a hell of a time getting to the bottom of anything with all the Biblical contradictions, but perhaps he would use another less literal approach for interpretation. I'm too tired to comment on the whole demise resulting from enlightenment...

4:41 PM  
Blogger AltonianWeb said...

Joshua Honey, I can't believe you have let this idiot leave a survey ad on your blog. Edit, baby, edit. As far as your story, it is an excellent concept, but didn't they do that on "Married With Children"?

2:34 AM  

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