Obama Vincitor!
The problem with Obama? A comment yesterday asked “So why can't Obama ever seem to close the deal?” Well, I’ll tell you why…
Yes, Obama made a gaffe by calling small-town America bitter and xenophobic. But, truth be told, small-town, small-minded people are Obama’s biggest problem. It really doesn’t matter what he says, how eloquent he is, what kind of vision he has for the future of America. All of this is moot for your everyday hick. They only see “blackie” and refuse to vote for him. I know a significant number of people who won’t vote for the man because he’s black. In my mind, considering how little baggage he has as a politician, there can be very few other viable explanations.
If anyone wants to know why such a ray of hope is having trouble being the nominee of the party, and will continue to have trouble until he is slimly elected to the White House, one must take a good look at who we are as Americans. That’s painful isn’t it—to turn the magnifying glass back upon ourselves for an explanation? We are comprised of a people that pride themselves on their under-education, their simplicity, their “common sense” way of viewing the world. Educated people are to be feared, not to be trusted, and are just plain difficult to talk to. There is nothing worse, after all, than being an intellectual in American society. Believe me. I know.
Americans want a President who is only slightly smarter than they are. They want someone that they could go have a beer with, not someone who would possibly lecture them. Let me put it this way, George Bush was elected President a second time. That should say it all. Obama’s patriotism is measured only by whether he puts his hand over his heart during the Natonal Anthem and whether he wears an American flag on his clothing. Wow, that is such a developed way of looking at things… If that is the measure of one’s patriotism, then America, quite frankly does not deserve Senator Obama.
What ever happened to the days of FDR, when even poor Americans knew that he represented hope and voted for him again and again? You want to talk “elitist”? Just listen to some recordings of the man, his very speech gave away his blue-blooded heritage. Why are people pointing to Obama as unelectable? He is that intellectual-type like Dukakis, Kerry, or Gore, all of whom were unelectable themselves. Part of me thinks this argument has validity, while the other part wants to hold onto this hope that America is not really what it is.
Oh well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…
Why did Hillary win big in Pennsylvania? Because she won big amongst the state’s number one big constituent: whites making less than $50,000. And, more difficult to calculate, she won big amongst perhaps the biggest core constituency in the nation as a whole: racists.
America simply does not know what is best for it. GW is the shining example of this. So, this will be no different. I am sure there are millions of people like me, wishing that perhaps, for once, things really will be different. Let’s just say, I’m not holding my breath.
I've refrained from joining in on any political discussion, for the most part, because I tend to speak my piece rather weakly. I'm at the point where I feel I still need to speak it.
I'm living in McCain country. There are many folks here with military ties, and they feel he is the only candidate who truly understands how to operate in war time.
I disagree. And, earlier on, I often said, "Whoever wins the Dem ticket, I will gladly vote for, because we need a change." And I still stand by that statement.
What bugs me the most about this whole primary is that it's proving that our nation has not moved past a lot of stuff. If Clinton wins, it's because of racism, and if Obama wins, it's because of sexism, says many, as well as the press.
I think it all depends on what one buys into. If you're all swept away by Obama's charisma or speaking skills, or if you are supportive of Clinton's leader-with-experience persona, I feel like that is the partial root of why people vote the way they do.
I'm tired of the racism/sexism stuff, really. I initially was a weak supporter of Obama, because of his strong rhetoric and the fact that he was not Clinton. (And she made it so easy for us to dislike her with Bill opening his mouth and saying stuff that did not help, or her trying on a bad redneck accent in a speech.) But then, it appears that (with Obama) there's a lot of barking about change but no real plans to execute them. It is one of the most frequent complaints of callers from Illinois on NPR programs regarding Obama's work in their state. (But, then again, every election's race has been based on promises, and most have been unfulfilled.)
Truth be told, I've been liking Clinton's plans for how she would go about making the change. And I don't dislike her as much as I had earlier on in the race.
I don't care what color they are, nor do I care about gender. I don't care about their ties to others, or their religion, or what their religious leaders have said. I've read so much about voting for Clinton is the "whites keeping the blacks down," and voting for Obama is a vote for gender inequality. That may be true for a few of the Dems living under rocks, but I think it's really complete and total horseshit - just a load of crap perpetuated by the media to get African-American rights activists as well as feminists upset enough to throw their own verbal barbs and votes into the mix. I also think the amount of money spent on the mud-slinging is shameful for both candidates. (Oh, campaign reform. The first person who can pass laws to put all the primary voting on one day and to limit spending and ads to issues and actions - that person would be my hero/ine, whom I would gladly elect for president.)
I believe our best candidates have been voted out already. So I'm up for either of these remaining two. Just, get it over with, already, so we can move on from all this childish garbage.
Well, I've just heard some more WPR discussions, and you'll be happy to hear me say that I'm wrong. Apparently many, MANY Dems are seeing this as a race/gender support issue, and that issue being first and foremost what is guiding voters.
From both sides, I heard "I trust her/him." Why? "Because s/he is the only one who totally knows what we've been through."
I've reacted earlier, likely, because I can only hope that we'll reach some utopia in which it's all about the issues and the candidates' reactions and plans to better our country. It might be possible, but it is definitely evident that our perspectives will always be shaded by what we know, what we don't, and by what we're almost positive in knowing what others couldn't possibly relate to.
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