Feeling, truth
Just some tidbits of what’s been on my mind:
The apartment search continues…
Whereas I am more hopeful in that we have seen some acceptable apartments over the past few days, the whole process does seem to be even longer and drawn out than I had expected it to be. We have applied to one place so far and will apply to a couple more, I am assuming. Then, fate, God, and all that will have a real hand in determining whether we get the place that is right for us or not. I am feeling positive about it today.
Obama. What can I say? When NBC announced that he is the “presumptive nominee”, I got teary-eyed again. A black man, as the nominee, maybe even as president. It is just what the US needs right now, and the one thing that will instantly heal the divide that GW has created between us and the rest of the world. Obama really does epitomize hope for many of us and I can’t wait to see him defeat McCain. Things will be ugly between now and November, though. So, be prepared for the ugly head of racism to rear its head even more boldly now than ever before. But, he will come through this trial by fire with shining colors. I believe.
There are so many young women here in Berlin that dress like total sluts. What is with this, people? I just can’t imagine, even if I were really good looking, wanting to wear such things that would so extrovertedly show my sex appeal. I would find it kind of denigrating. Something about it is sad, as though they are advertising that the only thing that they really have going for them is the beauty that they now possess, but that will, eventually, fade. Or, maybe there are some real brain surgeons and astrophysicists under those smoky eyes and hot pants and I’m really the one with the problem. I guess it is kind of like the skinny opera singer thing. Yes, I am sure that you could find one, and yes, he or she would be an exception to the rule, but there is always some hollowness behind that façade that eventually disappoints. Stereotypes are a dangerous thing especially in that they are so often true.
Feeling, truth...just what I feel from the inside and will not allow myself to vocalize toward to outer side. That sounded a bit like "Star Wars", may the power be with me.
Although I am neither Democrat or Republican, I do vote for who I feel will serve my opinions best. Obama has a sense of good, bad and ugly. I want someone that will serve the Americans with their best and set positiveness toward the future. I am not sure if McCain or Obama will be able to do this for me.
A few ballot setting goals for me are as follows: higher, challenging education that is affordable for all financial classifications, healthcare serves everyone with needs, reducement of the rich becoming more wealthy, educator wages to be on the scale of a general practitioner (doctor) since educators are the building blocks to fine doctors, and finalizing the war with stratgic US Ambassadors who will communicate to all involved that the Americans want to fine tune war mindsets.
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