Here Comes Porna-Klaus
I find it funny that Christmas in Germany seems to be even cheesier than I remember it in America, with Christmas Markets, the time-honored tradition of eating a piece of chocolate every da for 24 days before Christmas arrives, etc. Yes, they tend to decorate more sparingly with lights and usually go for the "classy" look rather than the blinking, multi-colored, over-the-top look, but it is still pretty gaudy. And early! By the end of October, you can see evidence of Christmas decorations. At least in America, you have Thanksgiving as a barier that most people use as a marker, careful not to begin their decorating until after that lest they look too white trash.
Here, though, everyone celebrates Christmas, even your run of the mill, neighborhood porn shop makes an attenpt to be festive. I certainly hope they remember the reason for the season. har har

Actually, we no longer have Thanksgiving as a barrier day. Around here Xmas things showed up in the stores before Halloween was over.
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