A Rag Man
The cool anagram computer-thingy at http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ had 2170 variations on my name. I have shortened the list to several of the more interesting ones:
A Fear His Juror
("A" must be a way to keep the juror anon. The grammar is always a little iffy on these things.)
Aura Frier Josh
(I do like fried food, I have to admit, but what kind of aura does this gives me? I am assuming a kind of yellowish lackluster.)
Area Fish Juror
(This sent me into a whole "Spongebob" kind of realm from which I must immediately escape.)
Friar Jar House
(I keep seeing images like the ones in my cartoon-y palindrome book, this one of a cupboard in a monastery.)
A Fair She Juror
("Pretty She-Juror" is how the retard mass murderer refers to the knock-out about to sentence him.)
Aria Re Fur Josh
(This was the subject heading of Beethoven's email to me about the new piece he is writing. Well, he wrote one for Elise, why not me?)
Raja Fuhrer I So
(Ok, a missing Umlaut again, but it does kind of sum me up, doesn't it?)
That is a fun site. My fave for my full name is
incarnate gnomes.
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