Life and Death
I just want to be the first to say it: Hillary would make a wonderful Secretary of State. She would be bored out of her mind with the mostly-symbolic nature of the office of Vice President. The only nice thing about the post, really, is that Americans seem to think that being one affords you the reasonable possibility of being the president the next time around. I have two words to refute just that argument—Dan Quayle.
Foreigners love Hillary and they loved Bill as a president, so her appointment would have that sort of fame-factor, giving us at least some leverage. Plus, Secretary of State is a very important job, those who have worked in the post often being major voices in administration policy decisions. Really, the past 2 really successful secretaries of state were women (Madeline Albright and Condoleeza Rice.) Maybe it’s that secret women’s gene that allows them to multi-task that just makes sense to fulfill such a complicated job description. Women are just great politicians, though, really.
Chris’ grandfather passed away yesterday. It is a very sad moment for the entire family. Opa was such a gentle and wise soul. He will be missed. We will fly back for the funeral this week and I will stay in the area to solidify our moving out of the South.
Oh yes, which brings up the ‘sweet’ part of the bittersweet day that was yesterday…we got our dream apartment! We will have the keys on Tuesday and are now moving frantically into the next stage: the moving itself.
Congrats on the apartment! That's great news! Of course, posting pics of the new digs (before and after the move)is an absolute imperative for your legion of faithful readers. A rough floor plan of the apartment might also be interesting. I've always wondered how continental apartments differ from American digs - if any. Any observations? I found English flats always a bit too cramped for my taste - particularily those created by carving up Georgian row houses. Would also be interested in hearing about the neighborhood around the apartment. Best wishes for a smooth move!
Speaking of life and death...I often wonder about life's legacy. How will you be remembered? One thought comes to mind, "The Lord's Prayer". The voice that stimulates all nerve endings to respond as ones ears grab the vibration of a magnificent voice that speaks of how majestic our Lord is! Your legacy to me will always be the many hours of playing the piano, turning your clip-on tie around to your back side and asking someone if they have seen where you placed it as you walk away from them, the sweet voice that asks me to concentrate and go into deep thought with you, the moment of surrealness when giving compliments on parenting, the silence tear struck moment of finding out that someone you love is crying on the other end of the phone because he has provided a way for me to venture into a whole new part of the world, and so many many more...God giveth and He taketh away. My love to you, always!
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