Commentary on life and all that it contains.

These are commentaries on life as I know it. It can be the quickened, pulsating breath you feel as the roller coaster inches its was over the ride's summit. It can be the calming breeze on the dusk of a warm day, sitting in isolation, reflecting on beauty or loves once had. It, life, can be everything that you will it to be.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Exeunt Monica

There are so few things that inspire one, really. Some people remain in awe for long periods of time, looking up to their newest hero like a jade God in some pearlen pagoda somewhere. I’m just not that type of person. Call it cynical if you will, it takes a lot to get my head to rise from its slumber and take notice.

But, today, I am proud. I am proud in such a way that my day will float right along in a happy pace. Monica has escaped, and knowing that, knowing that has made me a little light in my loafers today. Ok, wrong expression, and, yes, I think we all know that I’ve been a little dolce in the gabanas for quite a while (hardy har.)

I know that I have this problem that when, on the rare occasion, I am actually sincere about something, everyone thinks I am being sarcastic. I have always wanted a little sign implanted just under my skin that lights up in cases like this, saying “He’s serious.” It would really help in all those times when I lucked out and didn’t get backhanded by some poor, put-out soul somewhere. Happy alternating alliteration.

Anyway, I am serious about this Monica stuff.

I can only imagine, and, frankly, be jealous of, what Moni must be feeling right now at her liberation—to be in a new space, to have her own kitchen, to have lots of quiet, Monica time! These are things that the Monica needs. (I’m starting to sound like a veterinarian and Monica is a large breed, or something...) A first-rate flautist, though, and a high caliber musicologist with brain and whit does not need to end up on Walden Pond somewhere talking to the cows and chickens and listening to the John Deere Polka on some local radio station. No. Just, no, ok? She has to be where her creativity can flow. Circumstance was sucking her into its mediocrity vortex and she escaped it with one bold, karate chop and for that I am so very happy and so very proud.

My hats off to Monica...I propose a Monica.

PS If you want a good laugh followed by actual, cheesy admiration, look at Harajuku’s album “Just One Look.” It’s Japanese opera singer meets Technopop meets Muzak. Hilarious yet mesmerizing.

PPS For all of you as obsessed with cross-over and studies of strange dichotomies, I highly recommend the book I am reading: Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything”. It has chapters like ‘What do school teachers and Sumo wrestlers have in common?’ and ‘Why do drug dealers still live with their moms?’ It’s a cool, statistical approach to things previously unrelated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. Now I just need to keep working to finish the diss and to really find my place, both purpose- and employment-wise, in music. The brain won't tolerate office mummification indefinitely.

3:42 PM  
Blogger kilowatthour said...

yay monica!

7:28 PM  

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