Commentary on life and all that it contains.

These are commentaries on life as I know it. It can be the quickened, pulsating breath you feel as the roller coaster inches its was over the ride's summit. It can be the calming breeze on the dusk of a warm day, sitting in isolation, reflecting on beauty or loves once had. It, life, can be everything that you will it to be.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Shielded Glandular Toads

I just about laughed myself silly the other day when I realized what a hughe blunder I had made in German. For those of you that know me, this story will be made even more hilarious as you know how prideful and haughty I can get about being “smart” and being able to speak German often well enough to go undetected as a foreigner on this krautish streets. What can I say, the bigger they are, the more hilariously they slip on banana peels right onto their schnozes.

I had been having trouble with Winter Depression for some time, and finally wnet to the doctor about two weeks ago. I started immediately on light therapy, and the took some blood. When I went back to the doctor for my consultation about the blood analysis, I was shocked, simply shocked. He sat me down and said that there was nothing in the analysis to be worried about, that he thinks that he can help my situation almost immediately. “What I would like you to do is take a little bit of turtle hormone every morning.” Huh, uh, huh? I must have looked perplexed but he plodded on explaining the wonderful benefits of such a thing and that my blood, for whatever reason, seemed to indicate that I needed it. I kept thinking,, 'what, am I not in deepest, darkest Africa? Is this guy some which doctor masquerading as a German physician?' Help!

So, I go home, and, excitedly tell Chris, “You'll never guess what the doctor said!, that I should take turtle hormones!”
“Not turtle hormones, you idiot! Thyroid hormones!”, he screamed.

Well, I had no idea that the words for 'thyroid” and 'turtle' sounded so much alike in German! (Shilddrüse and Schildkröte) I guess it just goes to show that you should 1: pay close attention to what people are saying, and 2: don't ever get too big for your britches when it comes to foreign languages.

At any rate, I have been taking a super small amount of thyroid medicine for the last three or four days and, I have to admit, it really has given me a little pep in my step. Every little bit helps at this point.


Blogger Ottavina said...

Heh. Like my reaction when I confused schwul mit schwül.

8:11 PM  

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