Sometimes I forget how big I am. It always used to scare me, as a child, when I would invariably hurt the other kids with whom I was playing. I didn’t mean to hurt them, it just sort of happened. Often. Our chorus director is leaving to go on to another gig next year and has constructed a web site where he, like every other personal web page, even the one I am ironically writing in now, glorifies his own existence. He has some pictures there of our chorus, though. And, every time, I see a picture of me in a group of familiar faces, I get this surprise in my brain, where my Id has decided I am 5’8” and weigh between 170 and 180 pounds. I am big. I have a big, tenor face and a barrel chest, and I am tall. And I didn’t know I was a Heldentenor for how many years?

In Mahogonny, one of my favorite operas. Evil clowns bad.

I'm the pasty one, 3rd from the right in Czardasfürstin.
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