Commentary on life and all that it contains.

These are commentaries on life as I know it. It can be the quickened, pulsating breath you feel as the roller coaster inches its was over the ride's summit. It can be the calming breeze on the dusk of a warm day, sitting in isolation, reflecting on beauty or loves once had. It, life, can be everything that you will it to be.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Frolicking, visually impaired rodents sans tails.

I finally broke down and started “counting points” again. I don’t know if I should really call this ‘breaking down’ per se. It is more an acknowledgement that I have a bit of an obsessive problem with food—a problem that needs a little bit of a reality check from time to time in order to bring me into balance. Balance, I find is an all-expansive theme in my life. It is so easy to shift out of it, and so hard to come back into it.

That being said, I have been counting points for only three days now, but I feel just great. My body does this very strange thing when I start to limit reacts with a great increase in overall energy. It is funny, that. I once saw a very interesting documentary on PBS with Allen Alda (I have an even greater respect for him seeing him in “West Wing”. The man’s facial expressions are so complex and expressive. I knew he was a great comedic genius from M.A.S.H., but this is something entirely new. Check it out.) He interviews a scientist, on this Nova-esque documentary, who is convinced that one can live much longer if one eats a very low-calorie diet. The burning of food as fuel in the body, the theory goes, creates free-radicals, which, ironically, attack the body and cause it to age. Limiting the number of free radicals in the body, by decreasing the amount of food burnt for fuel, then eliminates their aging effect upon the Organism. (I am really into overuse of capital letters these days; I think it adds to the overall allure of my personality. Frank Lloyd Wright seemed to like them too (see “The Living City”, his commentary on all that woes America and the World.) Some people may be so bold as to call this another intellectual affectation on my part. Hmmm. I think I agree with That.) Anyway, in the show they show a whole group of elderly mice, the control group of which just sort of lay in the corner of their cage only to get up and eat or drink every once in a while. The other group which are fed less calories look like mice half their age, jumping around and frolicking like cute little micies. Just think, you could be one of the frolicking mice if you were to spend the rest of your life consuming no more that 1500 calories per day.

As a side note (as though this entire blog is not some meandering side note) I would just like to mention that I now have a running list of three things that simply must be done on a daily basis. They are, in order of importance:

1. Practice. How else can I ensure my future?
2. Work on doctorate. Idem.
3. Exercise. Fatty fatty two by four.

Unfortunately, though, I have only been paying attention to my garden as I am scrambling to get things ready before the last frost (in that late, or what?) I must really come to the eternal question ‘What is of real importance here?’ My garden or my future as Heldentenor du Jour Deutschlands? Hmmm, again. Methinks the answer seems obvious. Let’s, for now, call it the Answer.


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